Legal disclaimer
The information contained in this site is for general guidance only and is only a description of the operations of Tar Heel Capital II Non-public Assets Close-end Investment Fund, listed in the register of non-public investment funds kept by the Regional Court in Warsaw, 7th Civil Register Division, under number RFI 751 (“Fund”). The Authors reserve the right to make any changes in the whole or part of the information contained in this site, without prior notice.
The fund is managed by Copernicus Capital Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych Spółka Akcyjna seated in Warsaw at ul. Grójecka 5, 02-019 Warsaw, entered into the Business Register of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the KRS No 0000206615, NIP/VAT No: 107-000-09-39, REGON/Business registry No: 15748600, PLN 2,700,000.00 share capital paid-up in full (“Company”).
The information relating to the Fund on this site is not construed as an offer to buy or sell the Fund’s investment certificates. Simultaneously, the published information is not a sufficient source of information on the Fund’s investment certificates and detailed terms of their acquisition. Offering the Fund’s investment certificates will be performed exclusively via sending by the Company personal purchase offers in relation to the Fund’s investment certificates to selected persons, in the amount not higher than 150.
The only legally binding source of information on the Fund, its operations and investment policy, and also factors and categories of risks related to investing in the Fund’s investment certificates and on certificates offer is terms of the Fund’s investment certificate issue and the Fund’s Statutes, attached to personal purchase offers of the Fund’s investment certificates. The content of these documents will be made available only to persons to whom the personal purchase offer of the Fund’s investment certificates is submitted. Before purchasing the Fund’s investment certificates you should carefully read the content of the terms of the Fund’s investment certificate issue and the Fund’s Statutes. On any doubts, please seek a qualified financial, investment, tax, legal or other advice. The Fund and the Company shall not be liable for any investment decisions made based on the information on this site or any loss suffered as a consequence of such investment decisions.
The information on this site is not construed as an offer, including the offer under Article 66, invitation to submit a purchase offer under Article 71 of the Act of 23rd April 1994 – Civil Code (J. L. no 16, item 93, as amended), or a public offer under Article 3 par. 1 of the Act of 29th July 2005 on public offering and conditions of introducing financial instruments into an organised trading system and on public companies (i.e. J. L. of 2013, item 1382, as amended), or any recommendation, including under the regulation of the Minister of Finance dated 19th October 2005 on the information constituting recommendations relating to financial instruments, their issuers or originators (J. L. no 206, item 1715), invitation, or any legal, tax, financial or investment advice as regards investing in any securities.
Due to the investment policy in force, the net asset value per the Fund’s investment certificate (and thus the certificate value) is highly volatile. Investing in the Fund’s investment certificates is associated with multiple risks and the Fund participant should take into account a possibility of losing all or some of the invested funds. The Fund’s historical rates of return are not any guarantee of achieving similar performance in the future. No person, including the Company or the Fund, guarantees achieving the Fund’s investment goal or achieving any specific investment goal by the Fund. Individual rate of return may differ from the Fund’s investment performance and depends on the date of sale or redemption of the Fund’s investment certificates and on the structure of fees and taxes due.
The information published on this site, or its oral discussion, may not be relied on for any purpose, and additionally, such information may be not complete or may not comply with the actual situation. The presented data is based on the Authors’ own work, unless another source of data is explicitly stated.
This site may not constitute a basis for making any decision on investing in securities.
Any information relating to plans, expectations, strategy or investment policy as regards the Fund’s near future reflects the knowledge and expectations of the Authors at the time of the site preparation, thus it may be repeatedly changed in short intervals of time, depending of the developments in the situation on financial markets. In such a case the Authors, pursuing to publish information which is not misleading, shall undertake necessary actions in order to improve, complete or remove information which is no longer up-to-date. At the same time, it may not be excluded that a situation occurs in which the information published is not up-to-date for some time, which should be acknowledged and taken into account by a person reading it. Should there be any changes in the content of the information published, the Authors will not notify that fact to any entities.